Friday, July 20, 2007

He Moves

My crawling monster!!

He is nine months old. He loves to walk while holding on to your fingers, has been doing that for two months. But when faced with the task of getting on all fours, we were greeted with an attitude that isnt fit for an angelic face such as his! Paul and I had even wondered if he would skip crawling all together and just walk right into mobility. On one hand, I was glad that I could sit him down with a few toys and know he would be in the same spot at next glance. On the other hand, I kept thinking 'He's almost 9months old - crawl!'
I am excited to report that, as of this week, he has decided that relying on mama and daddy for transportation is no longer working for him! Crawling he is, all over the house! Up are the baby gates, away are the knick-knacks, closed are the doors, and loud are the complaints from brother and sister as he involves himself in everything that they try to do on the floor. And here I am, no longer able to sit and watch, but having to follow every move his chubby little arms and legs make.
We realize that our time with an infant is nearing its end. Emerging from the cuddles and comfort of my arms has come a toddler in the making. We are a bit sad, of course, but we know that a new adventure is just beginning. We just hope that we have the energy to keep up!