Saturday, October 3, 2009

October is....

October is a big month for me, full of information and events to celebrate. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month - something that, to no one's surprise, is a cause I hold close to my heart. October is my birthday, day 1 in 365, of my journey of life. October is Jonah's birthday as well. My youngest, my last, growing and reaching milestones. October is a big month for me.

Breast Cancer Awareness - what is it? What isnt it! All women, and I would add men, can get breast cancer. Regardless of family history, this disease can strike anyone at any time. People who are diagnosed early have a higher chance of surival. This means you have to take the initiative to know your body, to educate yourself on the signs and symptoms that accompany cancer, and to keep in regular contact with your doctors. You can reduce the chances of this type, and other cancers, by committing to a healthy lifestyle. So, take part in regular physical activities, watch your diet/weight, and avoid excessive alcohol or tobacco use. Again, what is Breast Cancer Awareness? It is the knowledge of yourself, respecting your body, educating your mind, and loving your life. What isnt it?

My birthday...oh joy! I remember a few years ago, as I was about to turn 30, dreading the day. I cannot recollect why this number held such a doom for me, but oh it did! Friends and family heard me whine and complain from the day after I became 29 that in 'one year' my life would be over! I know it seems silly, but I am sure that we all can admit that one of our birthdays was a bit more traumatic than the others. Please say it wasnt just me!? Looking back, now that 4 years have gone by, 30 was not much different than any other year. It was all in my mind...what a great saying! I look forward to another year to grow and to learn. I look forward to another opportunity to watch my family love and laugh. I look forward to another chance to see God's plans for my life challenge and amaze me.

Jonah, Jonah, Jonah. What to say about that little man? He is a constant source of comic relief in our family. He challenges Paul and I in ways that Jacob and Chloe never have. He still loves to cuddle. He still sucks his thumb - and I still think its adorable! (Yes, I realize that it will become a horrible struggle sooner than later) He cannot go a day without having the color orange on him, around him, or in him. A bit OCD, but its fun to watch! He is our youngest, our last. What a way to end the show!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Not surprisingly, it has been an obscene amount of time since I last wrote. It is noteworthy, though (so mark something!) that I made short memos for when I did get time (or just the motivation) to write here. So rather than start over, I thought I would share with you the tidbits of information that I’ve saved for just this occasion.

Fish and chips – greasy, large portions, did I mention greasy?!, no ketchup, good
Still greasy and still love them!
Two Mile Bottom – have a Two Mile here PA friends
We haven’t visited this area yet, but it looks like a great place for a picnic.
We got our car on Friday – missed it a lot!
Yes, our car is a bit large for some of the roads here, but we still love it!
Washer/Dryer – not user friendly!
House – so far, so love it, gotta get used to the smaller spaces, but should do nicely
We have come to love our house and our neighborhood here in Thetford. Have made some amazing friends in the area as well.
Casey and I went shopping in Bury – lots of options, Nutshell is smallest pub in England – will go back and take a pic!
We’ve ventured all over the area for shopping and sight-seeing. Love it all!
Notable word differences – garden/yard, cheers/thank you, no worries/no problem, lorry/truck, roundabout/ their version of red lights – crazy!, lounge/living room, en suite/ bathroom,
yard sale/car boot, figured out/sorted, quid/pounds, have a go/give something a try, and the list goes on and on and on…
Jacob is doing well in school, and Chloe will try to get in this week
Jacob is in 2nd grade now and Chloe started Kindergarten. Both are enjoying this new year.
Jacob is riding the bus today. Not ordinary school buses at all – coach luxury liners are what they’re called. Tour buses as we would know them. He’s excited.
All still applies here, but now it is Chloe’s turn to be overly excited about the bus ride.
Utilities are a bit confusing, but working on it
I think there will always be things that are ‘odd’ or different about living abroad, but we have come to love the lifestyle here and are looking forward to our years in the UK.
On the way to school, which is about a 20min ride by car, there is a stretch of road that makes me smile every day. At the crest of a small hill, the trees on either side form a canopy over the road. The kids call it ‘the tunnel of trees’. On both sides of the road, farmland stretches as far as you can see. It is an absolutely picture perfect place. I don’t know why it affects us the way it does, but hopefully I can take a picture for you that will help to capture just a small bit of our favorite place.
This place still represents a small piece of God’s amazing creation for us. I hope some of you will be able to experience it for yourselves.

Now that the school year has begun, we’ve settled back into a somewhat normal routine. Jacob has started 2nd grade and is enjoying his class so far. Chloe finished her first week of Kindergarten and if the smiles on her face everyday are any indication, she loves it! Jonah is trying his best to convince us that he needs to enroll in ‘wittle kool’ just like his big brother and sister. As soon as this excruciating phase in his life – potty training – is completed, we will be going post haste to enroll him in Preschool.
Paul will be taking a few vacations away from the UK this year. Some he is looking forward to, others not so much. We hope to purchase another laptop soon so that communicating will be easier. Thanks to Skype and Facebook, we should be able to keep in touch fairly frequently. I am just thankful that his ‘trips’ will fall during the school year so that the kids and I have something to keep us busy. If anyone is planning a visit, that would be the time! HINT HINT! Of course, I understand if you really need to see Paul too, so I guess summer is open as well.
We have been blessed to meet some amazing people. Our house has become the weekend hangout, it seems, and we love it. We even gave into the pressure and purchased a Wii – complete with Guitar Hero.

Did you just feel the earth shudder?? I cannot believe we own a video game! I am thinking that it is going to be my saving grace during the long, dark, daddy-missing winter. But did I mention that I cannot believe we OWN video games now?? Sorry, off on a bit of a tangent there. Where was I?
Friends…right! The neighborhood where we live is filled with great people, some that we have gotten to know quite well. And, as the ‘it’s a small world’ saying goes, we have become great friends with a family that grew up literally minutes from Paul’s family! In fact, Stacey’s mother and Paul’s mom have met, Paul and Stacey went to the same high school (albeit a few years apart), and Stacey is pretty certain that she once worked with our sister-in-law! And here we all are, in our little corner of England.
I'm sure I have many stories to tell, some you might even want to hear, so pray that I have the motivation to do this again before 6 more months have passed. Hearing from friends and family helps so LEAVE COMMENTS please!
Love and blessings to all.....B

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Markets, money and more...

After being here only one week, we have come to love our new home. What a blessing to have that peace! Of course, there are still questions and concerns, but nothing overwhelming. We think we might have (can you read the certainty in that?) made a decision about a house to call our own. The only issue is distance from the base. The house is spacious with all the things we need, just a bit far for Paul to drive. Over the weekend, we've driven the route a few times and it does seem to get a bit shorter each time. The scenery is amazing too, passing thru small villages and rural farms. So, I think its a keeper! I'm excited to really live here and not completely rely on the base for our needs. The experience will be so different because of that, and we are really looking forward to it. Going to the markets to get fresh fruits and veggies, to the butcher for meats, and the kids might even go to the local village primary school as well.

Speaking of foods, we went into a grocery today and were amazed at what we saw. The amounts of fresh foods, healthier choices, etc was unreal. This is our problem, people! For instance, the average frozen vegetables are sold only (for the most part) in sizes that are comparable to what we would call the 'value' or 'family' package. Whereas the meats and starches are sold in much smaller portions than we're used to. Can you see where I'm going? Paul and I have resolved to use this experience to make healthy changes in our family's habits. And how convenient that the lovely English simplify it for me! Oh, and just a note - hot cross buns are delicious!

We went to the market in Bury St. Edmunds yesterday. It was exactly like you would imagine it to be. Rows of vendors selling everything from fresh flowers to fruits and vegetable to raw fish and meats. Clothes, hats, souveniers, and tools - and not to be outdone, McDonalds, Burger King, and Pizza Hut made their presence known as well. The kids, with their keen eyes, spotted a toystore right away. What a treat for them! Of course, not being able to take anything home made the trip a bit less fun. They traded their frowns for smiles when the golden arches came into view though! Thank goodness for french fries and milkshakes!

Driving is going well. We are hoping to purchase a car early this week. Our SUV is still floating on the ocean, making its way here. Money has been a bit of a challenge, only in that its hard to recognize which coin is which amout of pence or pounds. There are so many more coins than I am used to. But everyone is so friendly and patient, even giving 'the newcomers' tips and local advice.

This week the challenge is to settle on a home, purchase a car, and enroll the kids into a school. A bit daunting, but I know God will pave the way. We'll let you know!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We've arrived...

in England! We landed on British soil on Saturday, 21 February at about 9am local time. That's 4am for all you east coasters! Our flight here was amazingly smooth and uncomplicated. Much better than what we were prepared for! The kids loved the airplane and settled in easily. We were blessed to have a friendly face waiting for us at the terminal. Paul's former boss picked us up and brought us to our new home - RAF Lakenheath. As you can imagine, we were tired but excited to start our new adventure! Jacob wanted to know where all the trains were - he's heard that over here trains are a very common way to travel. Chloe was looking for horses and castles, and Jonah was..well he just was.

After naps, we went to Christi's house for a bbq. It was nice to be with old friends in this brand new world we were surrounded by. When we got back to the hotel, Casey was here! We missed her!! I think we must have overextended our bodies though, because we didnt wake up on Sunday until NOON! How nice that was! I dont ever remember sleeing in that late, unless it was years ago in college:) Needless to say, that ended up being quite a lazy day for us. Visiting with Casey, relaxing and resting were all that we managed. Let's see..what next? Monday...nothing much to report. Paul had a bit of work in the morning, and then we ..Oh!! We had our first taste of driving on 'the wrong side of the road' on Monday. We rented a car, as ours wont be here for a least a couple more weeks. Casey took us on a trip to the toystore at RAF Mildenhall, the base close by. Seeing the kids' smiling faces at the rows of toys was well worth the nervous first time behind the wheel. And it was me who drove!!

Almost caught up! Tuesday, yesterday, Paul had all day appointments to get settled so the kids and I spent a lazy morning. Casey came over and watched them while we had a briefing about letting housing off the base. The playground and Baskin Robbins were next, and then it was a normal evening in the Jski house. Which brings us to today...exploring and house hunting! I cant wait to see what options are waiting for us. If you want a taste of what we see, check out this site - - choose the 'to rent' option at the top of the page. Enter 'Lakenheath' in the search box, then select w/i 15miles - houses - 4 bedrooms at least - max 1250 pounds - and go! What you see is what we will be looking at today on our first trip away from the base. Wish us luck!

Ok, I think that has pretty much gotten us to the present. I will post pictures tonight of our day so come back soon!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I will!

Ok, so one thing I can claim as truth - I am ALWAYS consistent about being inconsistent!! So much for a Thanksgiving recap, and now Christmas has passed as well. We are a week into 2009 and no 'New Year' reminiscence as of yet either! Whenever it is that I do get my unmotivated self to update - you better make sure to let me know that it was worth it:)

I've been tagged by Christi as well - I will get to it!! I will! Right now, though, its time for dinner. Yummy Carolina hot dogs (they're red) and french fries. We are one family that prides ourselves on eating healthy..NOT! Maybe that could be part of my 2009 list...hmmm?