Monday, July 23, 2007

Growing Up

What's missing?

A crawling professional!

Miss Chloe

So...what's missing? Training wheels!! As of this morning, they are gone, gone, gone! We are so proud of Jacob - it only took a couple tries with Daddy running behind and off he went without looking back. And only hours later, he is starting, stopping, turning, and going way too fast all by himself.
Our crawling monster hasnt stopped! In fact, as every day passes he gets faster and more determined to take the next step. Literally! He uses every piece of furniture or whomever is closest to him to pull himself up. The bravery doesnt end there. He doesnt even want to hold onto us either! Hands free is the name of his game.
I had to add a pic of Chloe to even things out. She is talking so clearly now. Its amazing the difference from just a few weeks ago. She has mastered the pedals on her tricycle and now wants to follow Jacob into the world of two wheels. I dont think so! Not yet!
It seems like the accomplishments of our little ones has been on fast forward this week. As much as we love to watch them learn and grow, it needs to slow down a bit so we can catch up! Or at least give me a bit more notice so I can have the camera ready.


Jamie said...

Uh, I miss those sweeties;) They're growing way too fast!! Don't you hate that???

Jamie said... switched to update it!!!! I want to see updates;)