Monday, December 1, 2008


We just got home from a whirlwind Thanksgiving vacation. Spanning 6 states in 10 days we saw family, friends, and alot of traffic! There are great photos and a long blog just waiting to be posted, but for now - we're home - we had a wonderful time - we miss everyone already!

Friday, September 26, 2008


Do you rent (or 'let' as the British call it) a home in the village or do you live on the base? Do you take your vehicle with you or pray that you find something suitable for a family of 5 within a tight budget? Do you sell many of your belongings to downsize or do you cram as much as you can in your suitcases? Do you try to accomplish the 'should haves' and 'could haves' that have added up over 6 years in just 4 short months? These are just a few of the questions that have made it onto the ever-growing list that Paul and I started when we got our new assignment to RAF Lakenheath. What are the answers? Anyone?

Thankfully we have a few friends that are already living in the UK and have been helpful with information and ideas. We are so blessed to have you all! Our sanity has been saved (well what was left of it anyway) because of you! Your sanity, however, might need rescuing by the time our family makes it across the ocean. The good news is that some of these questions are being answered!

We are seriously considering letting a home near the base. We have been looking online at housing options and it seems like such a wasted opportunity to not take full advantage of the community that we will be living in and around. The houses are smaller than we are used to, yes. There will be some adjustments regarding appliances and electricity, yes. But how can we miss the adventure that is right in front of us? We will be taking our Explorer on our journey. It seems the practical solution. Just last weekend some friends of ours - the Johnstons - had a yard sale at church. They are relocating their family to become missionaries in Poland. We were able to jump on the bandwagon, so to speak, and sold some unwanted clutter. While there is much more to be done, we let go of many items that we didnt even remember owning!

The hardest part of this whole transition will be addressing the last questions. How do you wrap up six years in what has become your home in just four short months? How do you move away from relationships that have literally changed your family's life? Those questions have yet to be answered. I'm not sure that they will be.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

An adventure....

is about to begin! After 6 years in North Carolina, our family has gotten a new assignment. We are moving - far, far away over the big blue Atlantic Ocean! Lakenheath, England will be our new home in early 2009. We are excited yet already a bit overwhelmed at the process it takes to make this transition. Just pray that the next couple months will go smoothly and that all of the details will fall into place.

I am going to make you a promise. We will keep this site more up to date and let you know what's going on as we prepare to 'jump the pond'. But we need your help! Stay in touch with us as well, read and comment so we know that you are here!

We have had an exciting last few weeks of summer and first two weeks of school. I will post some pics and a blog as soon as I have a bit more time.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Vaca Disclaimer

Ok so its a bit backwards, but here it is - our vacation pics and posts. Start at the bottom and work your way up to make the most sense. Or, you know what? Just read and enjoy! We did!

Jankowski Family Vacation - Pt 2

Buffalo, NY is the setting for the second round of pictures and our second week of vacation. The entire Jankowski family - both immediate and extended - live in the area so we were able to visit with most of the family in just this one action packed week.

We arrived in Buffalo, or the 'city with the trains' as Jacob calls it, to one of many backyard bbqs. If the Jankowskis are famous for anything, its the food! Tim, aka Bubba, can make even the simplest of dishes delicious. Needless to say, we didn't do any 'diet while on vacation' exercising! What nonsense:) Instead, we enjoyed every minute laughing, visiting, or just relaxing.

Paul celebrated his 31st birthday while we were there. We were able to surprise him with a stylish hat - thanks Erin! - and his very own 'Jenny' boat. The man loves Forrest Gump and uses every opportunity available to sneak 'one liners' into any conversation. Especially with Tim and Erin - she laughs more than enough for all of us! The boat has been an ongoing family joke for way too long.

Amy, my sis-in-law, and I decided to make a permanent memory of this trip by getting matching tattoos. I have been going rounds about wanting to get one for literally years now. But have never been certain about the what and the where. For whatever the reason, I felt that the time was right in NY. And although it hurt ALOT (not at all according to Amy!), I love it! Erin, you better have yours by now!

We spent a day at the Werner family campsite. The kids went swimming and sand castle building. We fished and laughed as Paul tried to catch the little swimmers with just a net and a string. Man-style fishing is what he called it. We all just called it silly. To his credit, two fish were captured with his clever skills. Hopping all around the campground were tiny little frogs. Most of you know that I love the things, so we had fun catching and cuddling the frogs. There was a petting zoo as well. All of the kids enjoyed the llamas, goats and the kitties that roamed the area.

The 4th of July was celebrated with lots of pictures, friends and family, food, and homemade fireworks. The normal crew was all in attendance. Paul's cousins came with their kids as well so the party was in full swing. We played some games with the kids, we drank some wine with the adults, and by dusk we were ready to see some sparks. Sparklers, snakes, bottle rockets, you name it we had it! Jacob, Chloe and Jonah were a bit hesitant at first, but seeing their cousins enjoy the show made things better. It was a spectacular evening!

Jacob was able to visit the famous Niagra Hobby Shop, home to trains galore! I think it was the highlight of his vacation. Chloe and Jonah were more than impressed as well. Paul took us on a tour of his childhood stomping grounds. Although the area isn't what it used to be, you could still sense that this city held alot of history and has stories to tell. The kids enjoyed being able to see where Daddy went to school and grew up. We took a drive by look at the waterfront, complete with battleships and boats. I think Jonah enjoyed that the most. Chloe was pampered by Kaylee and Alyssa, her cousins. We did our nails, they styled her hair, and played horses with her. What more could a little girl ask for?

Our vacation was a trip to be remembered. We had lots of fun, loved seeing everyone, and miss you all tons already!

Vacation PT 2

Jankowski Family Vacation - PT 1

Here it promised - vacation details and pictures! There were so many pictures to share that we decided to break the vacation into two separate parts. First (because it happened first) is visiting with my side of the family.

KOA, Mercer PA - thats where our vacation began. We spent a week with Papa and Nanny Phillips camping in the woods. Ok, so it wasn't exactly wilderness - there was the amazingly well equipped camper, a pool, a camp store, nice bathrooms, and only minutes to shopping. Roughing it for us was the two minute walk on gravel to those facilities. It was a bit cooler than we're used to, so nights were spent cuddled in blankets next to the campfire. When it was warm enough, we played on the playground or splashed in the pool. The kids loved being with Papa and Nanny. There were songs to be sung, mountain pies to be made, and tummies to be tickled. My cousin, Melanie, Jeremy (her husband) and family came to visit for two days. They had a campsite next to my dad's. Jacob, Chloe and Jonah loved playing with their kids. Ben and Sydney are adorable, Mel! We had a great time visiting, sharing stories - and wine! - around the campfire. My nephew and niece spent a couple days with us as well. Owen and Olivia were such great 'big' cousins! We also took a day to drive into Franklin, where I grew up and Paul and I lived before coming to NC. It was nice to be able to see 'home'. We drove past our old house - Jacob's first house. We showed the kids all of the places that Paul and I loved to visit. I was lucky enough to visit with some old friends. Erica just had a baby girl, Lucy, only days before. But she was so sweet to come to see us! It was the first time I met Berlin (her 2yr old daughter) and she last saw my kids when Chloe was only 1. Needless to say, it was great to be able to catch up and give kisses to each others babies. We stopped to say 'Hello' to our friends Nancy and Julie as well. Its amazing to see how friendships, even though they aren't always kept current as well as could be, can still be such a blessing no matter the time between visits. Our last stop in Franklin was a visit to my Aunt Sue and Uncle Mike's house. I can't tell you how much fun the kids had visiting their basement! It was full of treasures - old and new. Toys everywhere - horses for Chloe, trains for Jacob, and well whatever Jonah could get his hands on he was happy with! It's amazing the collection that you guys have!!!

We spent a week in NY next, but that's for the next set of pics and post. Then we were off again. This time it was 'over the river and through the woods' to my grandma's house in PA. It was only for a few hours, but we had a great time visiting with Grandma and my Aunt Renee. Nostalgia set in as the kids found toys in the closets that I played with as a little girl. What a great selling point for Fisher Price! Those toys are over 30yrs old and are still going strong! We had a wonderful visit. Love you Grandma!

Our last stop found us in Maryland with my brother and his family. Matt, Mione, Austin and Gavin made sure we had too much fun in the few days we were able to stay with them! We were treated to a cruise down the Patuxent River in their boat. Watching Austin, Gavin and Jacob 'tube' behind the boat was a blast! They did such a great job - I don't think I could have stayed on that thing. Mione and Matt both tried wakeboarding. What brave souls you both were! After watching the crashes and hearing about the sore muscles, I think I will stick to being a spectator thanks:) Chloe and Jonah did brave the water by holding on much too tightly to Paul, who's saving grace was that lifevest strapped around his chest. That poor man sure got a workout! Each day, there was alot of running, yelling, jumping, and screaming - all in fun of course! And the best part? After the kids went to bed the adults showed their maturity by....playing Rockband!! Can I just say that we were the raddest band ever!! Matt and Paul rocked the guitars, Mione sang her heart out, and I was the jammin-est drummer to ever handle the sticks..LOL! We had an insane amount of fun. Who knew?

Thank you SO MUCH to everyone for the fun, the laughs, and the love we shared on our vacation!

Vacation PT 1

Friday, July 11, 2008

Vacation Fun

We're home! After three weeks of travelling, visiting, and too much fun we are finally back in NC. I don't have the time or energy to post all of the details or pics right now, but I promise they will be coming soon!
We spent a week with my family in PA, a week in NY hanging out with Paul's family - that included celebrating his 31st birthday and fireworks, a too short afternoon with my grandmother, and three fun packed days in MD with my brother. It was there that I became an expert Rockband drummer! Details later, I promise!

Friday, June 20, 2008

This and That

Just two weeks ago, Jacob graduated Kindergarten. What a production that was! Complete with cap, gown, pomp and circumstance, the kids walked across the stage to receive their 'diplomas'. It was a really cute idea and we had a great day celebrating with Jacob and his classmates.

Then it was off to the beach for the weekend. We had such a great time. The kids love to visit the Aquarium, no matter how many times we have been there before so that was top on our agenda. We went to the beach as well, although the kids preferred the pool at the hotel - party poopers! Paul and I enjoyed a concert in the hotel courtyard from our balcony after the kids were asleep. It was so nice! He even went to the Tiki Bar and we sipped margaritas while we listened to the music - YUM!
Two more days until the Jankowski's family vacation. Sounds like a title for a comedy, doesn't it? Only time will tell if there are more laughs than tears as we brave the open road - with three little devils...I mean the back seat. Our plans are to visit as many family and friends as we can in the three weeks that Paul has been given time off work. We just pray that it works out that way:) I will try to keep this updated as we travel and let you know when we might be ringing your doorbells Look out PA and NY! The Jankowskis are coming!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Hi Ho the Dairy-O..A Camping We Will Go!

Oh yes, we had THAT much fun!
Paul and I had not been camping since fall of 2001. Needless to say, that experience and this one were different, although there were a few similarites. Let's compare.

~Both were church related excursions - so good friends were our company for each one.
~Fall 2001 started off with rain and Spring 2008 had rain the second morning.
~At both we ate, slept, and enjoyed great company.

~Fall 2001 we had no children - Spring 2008 we had THREE (a whole host of differences there!)
~Our first trip neither one knew how to start or maintain a fire - this time we were pyromaniacs!
~Paul and I had never been camping prior to Fall 2001 so everything was creepy, crawly, or covered in mud! This time, we really just enjoyed the experience and let the other stuff go! What a way to live:)
~Fall 2001, we were both at the mercy of nature and our friends for most everything. Spring 2008, being 'older and wiser' does have its advantages!

How about a few 'camp-isms' from my family to you?

Kazoo - the boat that you ride in on the lake..aka a canoe!
A Yak - the funny looking boat that only one person can ride in on the lake..a kayak (wow, alot of A and K there!)
Turdy - yes, a turtle...but this was the name that Chloe decided 'he' should adopt
Crappyfish - name that became of all fish caught when trying to explain what type of fish they were
Foyer/Mansion - ok, this one was from the adults but it refers to the huge tent with a screened porch area that we were blessed to be able to borrow from our wonderful friends - thanks Phillip family!

Ok, enough with the lists! If you hadn't guessed by now, we had an absolutely fab-u-lous time last weekend on our camping excursion. The weather was perfect, except for a short rainburst on Saturday morning. Even that was timed well, as we had all been up quite early (I'm talking 530-6am!) that day. So naptime it was for most all of us. How refreshing to have nothing to do but take a midmorning nap - I want more of that! The whole weekend was relaxing and stress free.

Having two adults and three kids in one tent wasn't something that Paul and I were excited about, but it was so much fun! Jacob and Chloe thought that sleeping in a tent was an adventure in the making. Even Jonah collapsed into giggles each night when he was laid down on an airmattress next to his brother and sister. Thanks to the generosity of friends, we had a tent fit for a royal family and loved it!

There were boating trips - a few that reminded us all of an accident waiting to happen, fishing dates that caught more seaweed than fish, playground and pool time, and food that was better than what I cook at home on a daily basis. We were spoiled rotten and it was a blast!

Memorial Day Weekend 2008

Monday, April 7, 2008

One more.....

Three posts in one afternoon!? I can assure you that this strange turn of events will not become a habit. I have every intention of returning to a 'post every two months' girl again shortly. But there is one more event that has taken place recently that deserves its own space.


We can't believe that its been 6yrs since Jacob was born. Our baby boy is growing into such an amazing little man. He is too sweet, too funny, and just a bit too obsessive compulsive ( and we have no idea where he gets those tendencies..haha). Love you Jacob!!

Spring is in the Air

I wanted to share a few more pictures with everyone. We explored another nearby city over the past couple weekends, Wilson NC. Had a great time exploring a park, feeding the ducks, and visiting a hobby shop that housed a huge model train exhibit. Jacob was in his glory over that one. Even the other two seemed to be mesmerized by the 'choo choos'. Here are just a few photos from our days out. And I do realize that there are none of me - but Mama loves to take the pictures!

Easter in the Snow

Pennsylvania had snow for Easter. We have family in Pennsylvania. Do you see where this is going? Our family dug out the heavy coats, thick socks, hats, and gloves (things that rarely see the light of day here) and made our way north to celebrate Easter with family. The trip was quick - only two days of visiting and 24hrs of driving - but it was such a great time! The whole Phillips family hasn't been together since David and Nicole got married 3yrs ago. But there we were - 10 adults and 8 children - sharing a meal, laughing and even taking priceless pictures.

The Phillips grandchildren - Jacob, Chloe, Olivia, Gavin, Owen, Cooper, Austin and Jonah

Chloe and Jacob with Papa - Jonah wouldn't pose

Chloe with her Nanny

And our visit wouldn't be complete without snow! The kids were so excited to see the fluffy white raining down as we drove to Papa and Nanny's house. They were even happier to see the few piles of snow that were waiting for them on the porch. A snowman was to be made, with the help of Daddy. Not too bad for first timers...

We had a great visit and we love you all!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Guess who's...

Coming to visit? That's right - we're getting company! Paul's mom, and brother's family will be arriving at our house this weekend. We are so excited! Tim, Erin, Christopher and Nana will be here late Friday evening. Nana is going to stay with us while the rest of the family travels to Florida for a week. The kids are so ready for her to be here. They are keeping a countdown of the days left til 'their Nana' walks in the front door. Its been almost a year since we last visited so this is a great time for all of us. We will be sure to take lots of pictures for those of you who couldn't make the trip. We love you and miss you!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Pics from our fun weekend in all about it below!

Our weekend getaway

After weeks, yes weeks, of being sick with one illness or another our family had a great weekend. We spent quality time together and enjoyed a day of exploration, all without coughing, sneezing, or whining! So much so that it deserves an entry in this otherwise neglected blog of ours!

We knew we had to take advantage of the weekend after waking up to smiling children and happy voices. Where to go? What to do? Something different sounded good, somewhere we hadn't been before. Our destination? Fayetteville, NC - not too far, not too close and we had never visited that town in all of our 5 1/2 years here. For those of you who have never had the pleasure of living or visiting NC, Fayetteville has had what we like to call a 'bad rep'. It is a military town for Fort Bragg Army Base and Pope Air Force Base. Its been given the stereotype of 'run down', 'burnt out' and has even been affectionately christened 'FayetteNam'. Lovely, right? Wrong! I'm sure there are areas of the city that deserve the reputation that they've been given. But, don't you find those in every city? What we found was charming, quaint, and fun! The downtown area came with bricked streets, great architecture, and too many shops to visit in one afternoon - or at least one afternoon with three kids!

Two of our favorite finds in the downtown area were the Airborne and Special Operations Museum and ....the TRAIN STATION! As luck would have it, as we visited this lovely old station, an Amtrak arrival was imminent. I can't tell you how excited Jacob and Chloe were. They both enjoy all things train more than most kids enjoy candy. Even Jonah could be heard giving a 'choo choo'! But when the train came into the station, the kids were a bit intimidated by the loud noise so they greeted this great diesel from behind closed station doors. Thank goodness for large windows!
The museum was a great adventure as well. More so this time for the grown ups though. This building housed all things Army - from WW1 through present day operations. As we were walking up to the entrance, we found the stone plaque that was dedicated to the unit that my dad served with in Vietnam. I can't say that Dad and I have talked much about his military service - besides knowing he had a pet monkey that loved to fly and didnt behave herself - but touring that museum with him in mind was an honor.
Our last stop was the mall - what would a visit to a new town be without it. Compared to what we have here in Goldsboro it was exciting and huge! Stores, stores, and more stores than we've seen in months called our names. I'm proud to report that we resisted the temptation and left with only a couple gourment cookies. The kids topped off their day with a ride on the carousel. Wheee!

It was a great weekend, as are most of our weekends. This one just happened to include an adventure to a place unknown, a locomotive, a trip back into history and a ride on a musical horse. If only every day could be this exciting!