Friday, October 19, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Jonah

I cant believe its here - Jonah's first birthday. Where has the time gone? I can remember exactly how this day unfolded one year ago - I dropped Jacob off at preschool and came home to enjoy the day with Chloe. Nothing was unusual. I felt a bit off, but being that I had been sick the entire nine months, it wasnt worrisome that I felt out of sorts. About 930am, I called the dr because there had been some activity that wasnt normal - even for me:). Of course, we were told to come to the hospital for a checkup. Again, routine and expected. Paul and I arrived at the Labor/Delivery floor fully expecting to be observed for awhile and sent home. Never did we think that day was going to be a birthday for our little baby boy. I was not quite 37weeks pregnant, and having two c-sections previously, they were a bit more cautious. 'Just in case' I needed to be delivered, preparations were made. We were still thinking that this was only going to be an 'err on the side of caution' idea. This was about 130pm. By 430, I was having contractions (something that I had never experienced before!) and by 658pm on 19 October 2006 Jonah Luke Jankowski was born.
I remember looking at my swaddled little boy, eyes barely opened, thinking how amazingly blessed our family had just become. From the moment he came into the world, he has been nothing but a source of pure joy to our family as well as our friends. His goofy faces, the way he loves to cuddle, sucking his thumb, and the crazy growls and squeals all make Jonah the beautiful little boy he is today. Seeing his smiling face looking up at me each morning make our days that much brighter. Jacob and Chloe love having someone to laugh with and play with. Jonah makes our family full and complete.
Happy birthday my beautiful baby boy - we love you and thank God for the blessing he has given our family - you.


Jamie said...

Happy birthday sweet Jonah!!! Hugs and kisses!